Cheryl, an author and veteran teacher, was frustrated with the strategies she used to teach elementary math for fourteen years. When certain concepts arose such as long division and fractions, she felt anxious because she knew a percentage of students were not going to understand what she was trying to teach. And her "strategy treasure chest" was nearly empty.
"I'm the Dumbest Kid in Class," is a culmination of explanations for ineffective, traditional math lessons Cheryl used out of college (for far too many years). She uses characters Application Annie and Textbook Ted to explain the affects of those tired traditional lessons on students with unique learning styles. Next, she shares what she discovered in her search for effective and engaging ways to excite and involve students in their learning of mathematics.
"Creating Common Denominators" uses basic materials to prove why fractions need common denominators before they can be added and subtracted. The lesson has received strong support from learners, teachers, and principals. Cheryl learned that many, many students graduate from high school with a strong dislike (some will tell you 'hatred') of math. It is her goal to change the way students learn math so they find it interesting and useful; no more hate.
Find out how to change the same-old-same-old by purchasing and reading one of Cheryl's books.
I'm the Dumbest Kid in Class OR Creating Common Denominators